Recent floods in Bngladesh composition for class 6,7,8.
Bangladesh is a low land. She has a lot of rivers, canals, beels and\shaors. Besides, the melting of the snows on the mountain produces floods also. Most of our rivers are shallow owing to silt, so they can’t store enough water in the rainy season. Now this is the primary reason of floods in Bangladesh. She lies in monsoon area. So every year many natural calamities attack Bangladesh. Flood is one of them. So flood is quite prevalent in Bangladesh. Almost every year flood occur/ visit in our low-lying country. It is one of the worst natural tragedies in Bangladesh.
What flood is : The downpour that over-flows the banks (the danger spots) of the rivers and submerge a wide land area and ruins crops, homes, residences, poultry farms and lives is known as a flood.
Causes of floods: The causes of flood are diverse. It is induced by severe rains. During the rainy season, it rains cats and dogs (in torrents) for days together. As a result, flood visits in our land. Cyclones, tidal bores and earthquake also produce floods in Bangladesh.
The latest floods : The most destructive floods happened in Bangladesh in the years of 1954, 1955, 1960, 1970, 1974, 1988, 1990, 1994 , 1998, 2004 and 2007. The flood of 1998 broke off the records of the past. Then practically the whole nation fell under flood water. Thousands of people were homeless and defenseless and many others lost their important lives.
Bad consequences : Flood creates immense destruction. It produces tremendous loss and misery to mankind, animals, plants, roads, bridges, houses and crops. Crops are ruined, trees are uprooted, dwellings are swept away. Many persons and animals lose their lives. People become destitute and helpless. Roads and bridges are damaged. Communication\slinks are blocked off/suspended during floods. Food production is decreased. The usual existence is considerably impeded.
Effects after the storm: After flood epidemic and starvation break out in the flood impacted areas. The flood-victims suffer from different water-borne ailments. The afflicted do not obtain clear drinking water and good meals. The price of important everyday items increases increasing. Many people die of malnutrition and water-borne infections.
Remedies: Some required steps should be done to control floods. The silted up river-beds should be dredged. Necessary embankments, dams and barrages should be created promptly. Deforestation must be stopped. Illiteracy, must be addressed and civic knowledge must be promoted about the causes of floods.
Relief activities : During the flood the government, the local NGOs, the local social groups and other volunteer organizations step forward to support the flood victims. Medical teams are deployed, essential aid camps are put up to distribute relief items and garments among the flood victims. Some college and institutions also set up relief camps on\stheir premises to relieve their hardships and sorrows.
Conclusion : Though flood has a lot of demerits and downsides, it does a tremendous beneficial to us in many ways. It makes our soil rich, alluvial and soft which helps to develop better crops and veggies. People must be mindful of the causes of this worrisome natural calamities.
Recent floods in Bngladesh composition for class 9,10,HSC
Flood is a natural tragedy. It is relatively high flow of water that\sovertops the natural or manmade banks in any of the reaches of a stream. Floods are more or less a periodic phenomena in Bangladesh. Almost every year, she suffers from flood owing to her location.
Causes of flood : There are various things which produce flood in Bangladesh. These may be categorized as – I Natural causes and (ii) Artificial causes. Natural reasons include the low geography of the country, strong showers or rain, cyclones, tidal bores and melting or snow on mountains, On the other side, deforestation, collapse of barrages and infrastructure lacunas are the instances of anthropogenic causes.
Damages inflicted by Flood : The destruction done by flood beggars description. It causes a huge loss to our lives, property and crops. It washes through villages, highways and farmland. Each year roughly 18 percent of the nation gets inundated. During severe floods, the impacted region may approach 55 percent of the entire area of the nation. Hood floods away animals and even people’s houses. Many human lives were lost, crops are ruined and ,trees are uprooted. All the communication System is halted. People become homeless and they take shelter on high roadways, schools and universities.
After consequences of flood : The after effects of flood are more harmful. Famine breaks out in the flood ravaged communities. Many watery illnesses like cholera, dysentery etc. burst out in an epidemic form. There is lack of drinking water. The price of every daily necessaries rises rising.
Advantages of flood : There are some beneficial features of flood also. It delivers a huge lot of silt and makes our land productive. It washes away accumulated impurities from soil and thereby refreshes the environment.
Some severe floods in Bangladesh : The history of floods in Bangladesh is inseparable from the history of this region. Every century she witnessed the visit of a big number of severe floods. Among these, the floods in 1955, 1963., 1974, 1987, 1988, 1998 and 2004 were the most severe. The flood in 1988 was unprecedented. It undated roughly 67 percent of the whole area. The flood of 1998 was likewise quite powerful More than 70 percent of the land of the country was flooded and it continued for more then two months. Then the flood in 2004 had broken all past records. Over two thirds of the overall area fell under water. The flood caused a total loss of 42 thousand crores taka. Last of all, the last two consecutive floods in 2007 were likewise exceedingly bad. Nearly 48 districts were wiped up by the floodwaters. It took a high toll on life. Numerous people became homeless, many animals perished and vast houses were ruined.
Measures to control flood : It is absolutely required to take suitable procedures for the prevention of flood in our nation. Both long and short-term strategies can be taken. The silted-up beds of our rivers should be excavated for conveying additional water. Proper embankments should be erected. Besides, a carefully constructed irrigation system will go a long way to decrease the scope and intensity of flood. Moreover, an efficient relief strategy should be adopted soon.
Conclusion : Flood causes a big loss to our country every year. So we must figure out efficient and lasting strategies for the prevention of flood. It is a matter of hope the Govt. has already launched Flood Action Plan (FAP) and other Flood control Drainage and Irrigation projects to reduce the depth of flooding in our nation.
Recent floods in Bngladesh Paragraph for all class:
Flood is one of the greatest natural calamities in Bangladesh. The rainwater that over-flows the banks (the danger points) of the rivers and submerges a vast land area and damages crops, properties, houses, poultry farms and lives is known as a flood. The most devastating floods occurred in Bangladesh in the years of 1954, 1955, 1960, 1970, 1974, 1988, 1990, 1994 , 1998, 2004 and 2007. Each year about 18% of the country is flooded. Illiteracy, must be eradicated and civic awareness must be created about the causes of floods.
Floods are more or less a recurring phenomenon in Bangladesh. Though flood has a lot of demerits and disadvantages, it does a great good to us in many ways. Every century she witnesses the visit of a large number of intense floods. Floods of 1955, 1963., 1974, 1987, 1988, 1998 and 2004 were the most devastating. After effects of flood are more dangerous.
Famine breaks out in the flood affected areas. Waterborne diseases like cholera, dysentery etc. break out in an epidemic form. The price of all daily necessaries goes up.